Credit System

All of the titles on the Gourmet Gaming platform are available to play for a one time cost. Games that are in Beta are available to play for free, and new users may play any games for an introductory period of one week after they first join.

Credits cost $1 (USD) for 100 GourmetGaming Credits or GG's, known also by this symbol : GourmetGaming Credits

Buying a game on GourmetGaming provides the owner with a digital copy of that game, which that user may then play as many times as they wish on GourmetGaming for as long as we are able to host the game.

GourmetGaming Credits will also be used for entry to tournaments and special events.

To get more GG's, launch the game software by clicking Play Now, and browse to a game you do not own, and click "Get more GG's".

Latest News
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10th December 2010
Reiner Knizia's Battleline for iPhone, iPad, and iPod Touch is available in the app store now!

30th June 2010
The new GourmetGaming website is now live! Many features are still under construction and coming soon. Reels And Deals is now in open Beta, try it for free, and let us know if you encounter any bugs!